We Lost
I was the goalie on an indoor soccer team
And I didn’t have the training for that
So most matches were a god damn blood bath
But I tried my best to get in the way
Of every single goal in the game
But we lost and we lost and we lost and we lost
And we lost and we lost and we lost
And we lost and we lost and lost and lost
And we lost and we lost
I was the goalie on an indoor soccer team
And I learned I was calling it the wrong thing
Cause I knew a lot more about hockey
So when they came close I dove at their feet
And they nearly kicked the nose off of me
And it broke and it broke and it broke and it broke
And it broke and it broke and it broke
And it broke and it broke and broke and broke
And it broke and it broke
You’re more than your nose
But all crooked and cockeyed kid
It sure steals the show
Your diagonal nose
But it looks nice on you
And we should be thankful too
Cause it broke and it healed
And it makes your face feel so strange and new
Now it slants to the left and you could be upset
But from my point of view it looks nice on you
But we lost and we lost and we lost and we lost
And we lost and we lost and we lost
And we lost and we lost and lost and lost
And we lost and we lost
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All lyric sheets are personally handwritten by the songwriter on high quality 8.5x11” white cardstock with Pilot Precise V5 Extra Fine pens. Choose to have simply lyrics, or request a few small (but relevant) doodles!
Safely ships via USPS in a manila envelope reinforced with recycled cardboard.